Where should I go now? (in General)

TheHatchetman January 11 2007 6:06 PM EST

changemonth kinda nuked my plans for a future strategy... It was:

SFBM until 260k mpr, hire an archery tank. Raise those two until around 1m-1.3m mpr (or the end of my NUB, which should be around there). Then, hire on an AS enchanter with pure AS at first, then eventually some PL, and switch from FB to CoC. Raise that team to 1.8m mpr, and hire on a wall with a moderate evasion. Basically this in the long run (I've estimated how much MPR each minion would be resopnsible for at 2m mpr):

CoC Mage: ~930k MPR
Equipment: MCM, CoI, AG, EB, Cab, AoI
Training: ~21% HP, ~63% CoC, ~16% Evasion

Evasion wall: ~180k MPR
Equipment: AC, SC, MS, HoD, TG, DB, AoAC
Training: 60% HP, 30% Evasion, 10% Protection

AS Enchanter: ~220k MPR
Equipment: ToE, Corn, DB, AoF
Training: 60% AS, 30% AMF, 10% PL

Tank/Mage wall: ~670k MPR
Equipment: TSA, HoE, EC, EB, BG, MgS, AoM
Weapons: ELB (or SoD), Seeker Arrows (or Explosive Shots), VB
Training: 15% HP, 40% ST, 35% DX, 10% BL

As you can see, the new changes leave a few gaping holes in this strategy that weren't there before...
Any suggestions?
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