Odd ranged output?!? (in General)

GnuUzir January 11 2007 7:02 PM EST

I have seen this on one or two people on my fightlist...

____________Round 1____________________
Arcane Archer struck deep into Superior Voice Command [124957]
Arcane Archer struck deep into Superior Voice Command [122673]
Arcane Archer cries "Bullseye!!"
Arcane Archer struck deep into Superior Voice Command [175679]
Arcane Archer struck deep into Superior Voice Command [176878]
Arcane Archer cries "Bullseye!!"
Green Star Adept shot Atom Heart Warley [43405]
Atom Heart Warley looks clumsier!

Atom Heart Warley missed Kano-san
Atom Heart Warley missed Kano-san
Yellowed Mail - Outgoing's Magic missile hit Green Star Adept [113769]

R.I.P. Superior Voice Command


Now is the battle cry happening because I am killing him twice?
Killing him once then continuing the quad hit and battle crying at the end of each...
Or is it because of the quad hit?

I am confused...

QBJohnnywas January 11 2007 7:05 PM EST

It's your HoC. You're firing twice in the first round, thanks to it, both at the same minion. So the battle cry sounds twice.

GnuUzir January 11 2007 7:06 PM EST

Neat more battle, and more cry ;-P

GnuUzir January 11 2007 9:21 PM EST

Ok this one is real then...

I got -2 ammo ;-)

GnuUzir January 11 2007 9:22 PM EST

But it shows up as one arrow on my home page...
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