Changemonth didn't affect my strat (or me). (I think) (in General)

Flamey January 12 2007 3:42 AM EST

Hmm, all the new items, TSA getting nerfed, CoC getting boosted.

Have not affected me.


Halidon Familiar: An Archery Familiar, okay, I still think SF/FF is better (prove me wrong) if you can, It's an expensive argument. My RoS is way better for my strat, and Archery tanks have not been much of a problem for me, and this is a just a familiar, meaning no NW can really be pumped into a giant ELB.

Elven Hauberk: AC and Magical Resistance. No thanks, my Tank is focused on bonuses, not Magical Resistance. So, TSA > EH (for me) don't argue, I'm talking in general, we're talking in my case.

TSA (nerf?): Uhm, I wasn't using the TSA for Magical Resistance, the regeneration help, I think, but right now, I have a query. My tank has 12k natural HP, and 400k-ish Boosted from AS/RoS, it appears that I don't regenerate HP, even when I get hurt, so do I only regenerate if I'm under 12k?

After that query is answer, we'll decide if It's a nerf, that sucks, if it is that way, but I'll live, you don't all have to worry.

HoC: I miss a lot with my ELB, especially in round 1, so what's the point, to miss again, to waste arrows? I still hit, so my ELB is still worth it, but I don't see how the HoC would be better, HoE is better AC wise as well.

Want to prove HoC > HoE? CM me and I'll try to get a hold of a HoC to test it out and I'll get back to you and the thread.

CoC: Simple, who uses it anyway? I'll obliterate you before you get to hurt me much. I've got quite a bit of HP, My GA generally eats people alive if they do enormous damage.

Do tell me, If I'm missing any of the changes.

Now, tell me, has it affected me, I don't really see a change, you tell me, you analytic people. :)


Since, I made a thread, lets go onto Strat, shall we?

HP: 12,100
ST: 481,473/290,044
DX: 481,108/341,212
AC: 165
Bloodlust: 97,673/69,272 (0.60)
Protection: 8,490/9,423 (8)

|-----Ethereal Enchantress-----:
HP: 0/50
ST: 20
DX: 18/20
AC: 51
Evasion: 124,162/111,858 (44)
Ethereal Chains: 495,928/427,525 (247,984)
Vampiric Aura: 159,464/137,469 (?)

|-----Fountain of Life-----:
HP: 50/50
ST: 20
DX: 18/20
AC: 12
Ablative Shield: 1,289,988/663,061 (645,004)

HP: 50/50
ST: 20
DX: 18/20
AC: 32
Antimagic Field: 448,982/380,494 (?)
Guardian Angel: 374,511/317,383 (?)

Flamey January 12 2007 3:53 AM EST

I don't think I finished typing..

what should I do, coz of Free-retrain, give me things to test out.

QBJohnnywas January 12 2007 5:17 AM EST

The TSA will only regenerate trained HP, not AS given HP. So if you put it on a minion with 10k HP you will only regain up to 10k HP.

If the HoC's extra round enabled you to target a new minion with physical damage I'd say it was worth it, but as it stands I prefer the extra strength from the HoE. If you were running a MM mage I'd say use the HoC, but you're not so...

Your strat: Nothing to change in terms of set up. The only thing to do is boost certain things: HP on your tank, to better take advantage of the TSA change; ST on your tank to boost damage; spend some money (yeah I know) on your weapons. A bit of extra PTH on your bow, but mostly spend on your melee damage.

If your Most Powerful Blow is anything to go by your damage is lower than it could be.

That's it mostly. Unless you're going to run a defensive team your goal should be damage.

Flamey January 12 2007 5:33 AM EST

Blade of Destruction [75x600] (+50) NW: $7,799,755

Bow of Destruction [6x200] (+50) NW: $4,270,696

remember naming bonus, I've been pumping for a while now, almost 100 X a week.

I stopped playing for one week (work), so, no upgrade this week.
but, that's for my VB. I seem to survive, so not looking for the quick kill.

I thought it'd be better to train a lil more DX, since I make damage with cash, and wont pump much PTH.

QBJohnnywas January 12 2007 5:46 AM EST

Dex or strength. Mmm. I'm torn there. ToA aside, the main difference between my tank and Shade's is that he has favoured dex and I've favoured strength. When he has a ranged weapon equipped I can't beat him because of the dex gap so....

Plus more dex might make a difference in ranged, helping you hit more.

Actually thinking about it, your damage in melee is actually not far behind mine in melee and I'm using an x1700 maybe spending more money on your weapon isn't that necessary....

Flamey January 12 2007 8:09 PM EST

well, I really have nowhere else to put the money.

It seems to be going to a nice place, any ideas?
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