Does the AoI stop MM from targeting? (in General)

Heath316 January 13 2007 4:52 AM EST

I see in the description it says it doesn't work against magic but in the strat section it says it works well against MM users so I was a bit confused.

TheHatchetman January 13 2007 4:52 AM EST

AoI makes you invisible only to tanks. It doesn't stop any DD from targeting.

TheHatchetman January 13 2007 4:55 AM EST

to use it properly against Magic Missile, keep the minion with AoI at the front, makes him the last to be attacked by tanks, as that minion will be invisible. And since the minion is at the front, and MM attacks from the back, MM has to go through your other minions before getting to your AoI wearer.

TheHatchetman January 13 2007 6:49 AM EST

Updated the wiki page for clarification's sake
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