Question/Confusion about ranged. (in General)

QBJohnnywas January 13 2007 5:03 AM EST

My single tank has the following: dex of approx 590k, ToA of 791k in level and whatever PTH that affords, an ELB of +16 PTH, and evasion trained.

Currently with that set up I hit doubles and triples and very rarely miss, unless higher dex or evasion are in play where my opponent is concerned.

And that was how I expected things to work before Jon made his changes to ranged last year. But I thought Jon's change to Archery made it a lot more difficult to guarantee hits in ranged without training it.

Yet, when I train archery I actually see more misses than I get with evasion.

Can somebody explain to me in very simple terms please(!) how the new archery actually works, incase I'm getting it wrong.

The way I understand it, training it so you reach a (1.0) gives you a 100% chance to hit when you use an ELB? Is that right?

Also, the defensive dex from evasion doesn't have any bearing on how often I hit right? It just reduces the opponents chance to hit me?

Is there something I'm missing here? Am I just confused? Is there a possibility that something is actually wrong? Especially given that other people with much more PTH than me are missing more.

Sorry for the rambling, but this has been niggling the back of my mind for a couple of weeks now.

TheHatchetman January 13 2007 5:30 AM EST

I have Archery trained at 1.0, and i dont hit you. I believe that is a chance to fire another shot, kinda like DX/PTH doubles, triples, etc. I believe I saw a post about this where someone was complaining about the wording, saying that you stand a chance to *loose*, not *hit*

As far as "Currently with that set up I hit doubles and triples and very rarely miss, unless higher dex or evasion are in play where my opponent is concerned." Umm... Duh?

Defensive DX granted by Evasion seems to be just that, defensive. Chances are your better hits now are coming from your DX and ToA as they go up...

QBJohnnywas January 13 2007 5:42 AM EST

Lol at the Duh about higher dex or evasion. I know the effect those have. Where my confusion lies is that I was under the (perhaps mistaken) impression that you_need_archery_otherwise_you_will_miss_more.

I'm not missing. I'm using a bow with +16 PTH, although the amount of bonus PTH from the ToA is unknown, and I'm hitting triplestrikes. When I train archery I lose some of those triple strikes.

So here is the question I actually have,now I'm awake lol:

Why is my character a better bowman with evasion than he is with archery?

TheHatchetman January 13 2007 5:53 AM EST

Most likely? awkward timing, im sure your ToA has gained a decent bit since you used Archery. Therefore, affording more pth. And with archery trained at 1.0, it makes you no more/less likely to hit, only to fire. As far as losing some triplestrikes_with_Archery, I'm baffled... Unless, this is taken against different opponents, where your DX alone is not enough for a doublestrike, or ya just got the short end of the randomness. Remember, pth, and DX gaps only create *chances* for additional strikes unless the difference is on a massive level (or 100 pth against no evasion) Otherwise, it kinda makes me wonder what my 1,345,131 XP is doing for me...

QBJohnnywas January 13 2007 5:55 AM EST

The testing has been going on this morning, thanks to free retraining (thanks Jon!!). So same ToA PTH, same opponents. Same everything really.

So, yes, it does make me wonder if people training archery might be better off training something else.

QBJohnnywas January 13 2007 6:01 AM EST

Also makes me wonder whether the bug found in the following thread has actually been fixed 'better' or not.

TheHatchetman January 13 2007 6:06 AM EST

/me will now keep an even steadier eye on this thread. Tho i hope I was able to help at least a little :)

QBJohnnywas January 13 2007 6:07 AM EST

You certainly helped me gather my thoughts! Not an easy thing on a Saturday morning, after going out to help a friend celebrate his birthday!
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