Strategy advice 2 (in General)

Kong Ming January 14 2007 9:33 AM EST

I've decided to go with a ToA tank for my character, Ruins.

Ruins PR / MPR: 1,416,291 / 1,131,668 Max tattoo: 1,796,627 Battle Allocation: 7 Cash: $1,274,975

Your Minions
Tank EXP: 181 HP: 800,000/800,000 ST: 816,746/173,671 DX: 501,438/126,013 AC: 14
Bloodlust: 165,277 (0.60) Ethereal Chains: 48/50 (44) Protection: 973/1,000 (4)
A Pair of Helm's Gauntlets [4] (+10)
Einherjar lvl 1,094,858
An Amulet of Invisibility [0] (+10)
552 Bolts [10x1] (+0)
A Blade of Thuringwethil [73x347] (+47)
An Enforcer's Crossbow [4x56] (+39)

GA EXP: 185 HP: 20/20 ST: 20 DX: 20 AC: 48
Dispel Magic: 500,000 (400,000) Guardian Angel: 584,840 (?)
An Amulet of Focus [0] (+9)

AS EXP: 186 HP: 20/20 ST: 20 DX: 19/20 AC: 8
Ablative Shield: 1,103,157 (551,588)
An Amulet of Focus [0] (+5)

Wall EXP: 187 HP: 659,866/659,866 ST: 20 DX: 18/20 AC: 210

A Shadow Cloak [11] (+22)
A Set of Chain Mail Leggings [18] (+38)
A Pair of Cesti [5] (+5)
A Helm of Durin [9] (+21)
A Mithril Shield [20] (+42)

I need some advice on whether to go with DM and GA for the second minion or should I go with AMF and GA or something other ED instead.

Thanks again :)

Kong Ming January 15 2007 5:01 AM EST

Any comments at all? I'm not sure whether to go with AMF or DM. AMF helps against mages and DM helps generally.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 15 2007 5:03 AM EST

with a BTh I'd go AMF all the way!

TheHatchetman January 15 2007 5:04 AM EST

Body armor on a wall seems like a good idea.

Kong Ming January 15 2007 5:10 AM EST

I'll get a big Adam when I'm done with my debt. Can I ask what level of protection is the most experience efficient? I've got Protection (30) and I've trained a level of 370,000.

Flamey January 15 2007 5:15 AM EST

AMF/GA owns.

DM is too small, even with it maxed. Wasted XP.

you want GA around your opponents average blow.

GA seems small as is, and AMF would be small, I say, test out both maxed out, see what goes best, it might be both.

TheHatchetman January 15 2007 5:15 AM EST

Efficiancy is in the eye of the beholder...

QBJohnnywas January 15 2007 5:16 AM EST

Kong, don't bother putting anymore xp into Protection. After that point it pretty much becomes impossible to raise it anymore. I can't remember exact figures, but for a Protection of about (33) you need it to be about 5 million in level...

I can't remember who tested the levels, it might have been SNK3R. I'll have a look and get back to you.

QBJohnnywas January 15 2007 5:18 AM EST

Found it! Have a look and you'll see the details for Protection in there somewhere.

Kong Ming January 15 2007 5:19 AM EST

I tried training protection and it seems 30 is a nice number. The stats are:
Antimagic Field: 500,000 (?) Protection: 364,500 (30)

I think I'll stop training both AMF and protection and just train HP. Will that be good enough? Or more AMF?

Flamey January 15 2007 5:30 AM EST

(20) is pretty decent, seeing its at about 60k Trained level.

GA is cool, try some PL if you don't have GA.

on the AS minion. but, you know, GA and PL is a no go.

Kong Ming January 15 2007 5:49 AM EST

I've decided to go with AMF and protection and HP on the second minion. It looks like this now:
GA EXP: 2 HP: 251,141/166,966 ST: 20 DX: 20 AC: 48
Antimagic Field: 800,000 (?) Protection: 122,500 (25)

Think I'll just continue training HP on the second minion and make a mini-wall.

TheHatchetman January 15 2007 5:53 AM EST

before anyone asks, its because he healed while he had more HP than he currently has, then unlearned it, and trained less. he just hasnt healed it back to normal yet...

Kong Ming January 15 2007 6:35 AM EST

lol, yes. I trained more HP before and untrained it. Thus, there is more HP than what I should have. Wonder If I can use that for battle.
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