Nonsensical Knight / Lambach Deal (in Public Record)

Synge [Memento Mori] January 16 2007 9:50 PM EST

I am insta'ing a CoI +1 for a CoI +12 at 65% networth. This means that I owe NK NW (+12) 1101631 - NW (+1) 16417 = 1,085,214 * .65 = 705390 and a CoI +1. I will send when NK confirms.

Lumpy Koala January 16 2007 10:06 PM EST

Nonsensical Knight (Neji) Lambach (Oliver Thrace) A Cloak of the Istari ($1101631) 10:05 PM EST

So... it's your turn.

Synge [Memento Mori] January 16 2007 10:27 PM EST

Lambach (Oliver Thrace) Nonsensical Knight (Neji) $705390 -- My end of the deal 10:26 PM EST
Lambach (Oliver Thrace) Nonsensical Knight (Neji) A Cloak of the Istari ($16417) -- My end of the deal 10:26 PM EST

Deal done. Thanks!
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