Winning Streaks (in General)

Templar February 1 2007 9:26 PM EST

It's probably been asked in the past, but since i've been gone for a while:
There seem to be bonuses for everything else nowadays, so why not for winning streaks? Either the clan with the longest or top few players with the longest winning streak get a bonus to money, or experience? It maybe a newbish suggestion, but hey, what do you think?

TheHatchetman February 1 2007 9:30 PM EST

So... yet another bonus for the BR boys, huh?

Request denied. :P

Xiaz on Hiatus February 1 2007 9:30 PM EST

I forsee much abuse.

TheHatchetman February 1 2007 9:35 PM EST

Furthermore, the bonus would be highly sporadic as streaks end in seconds... That would require that the bonus update every second, seems like a lot for a miniscule statistic...

Templar February 1 2007 9:38 PM EST

not a request, really, because i never make it above 160 because im at such a low level now. explain this too me, because i honestly don't know, what would be downsides be?

Templar February 1 2007 9:38 PM EST

hadn't thought of that
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