Problems with FF (in Off-topic)

Shadowsparkle [Jago] February 2 2007 2:47 PM EST

I need help with Firefox.
I had CB open with FF today when my screen suddenly turned black and the computer restarted. It took some more time as normal before my PC was ready to work with, and when I started FF most of my settings, including all of my bookmark, where gone.
At that point I thought it may be a good idea to install the latest version before I do anything else.
There where some (FF intern backups?) bookmark saved that I found after some searching, so I have them back. The problem are the settings. Every time I restart FF all (visual) settings are reset. For example, it opens in window mode, but I want it to open full screen, I want the bookmark appear right after 'Help', but it makes a new line for them.
If I open a new browser window from an existing window it also reset settings on the new window.

I never had any problem like that with FF before (at least I don't remember).
Is there any file or entry I need to change? Anything obvious I don't see? Help please...

Shadowsparkle [Jago] February 3 2007 10:42 AM EST


InebriatedArsonist February 3 2007 11:47 AM EST

Have you tried messing around with the profile manager? If not, try using the directions found here to try creating/changing your profile.

Shadowsparkle [Jago] February 3 2007 1:56 PM EST

Tried to make a new profile, now everything seems to work fine.
Thanks a lot :)
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