Strat help (in General)

Karn February 4 2007 7:21 PM EST

My ncb just recently expired and I was wondering if any one could give any advice for my team on how to improve it. If I should change tatoos or anything like that. My current stats are without equipment:

HP: 500,000
MM: 1,287,780 (601,779)

HP: 400,000
Evasion: 902,545 (106)

Thanks for any help.

muon [The Winds Of Fate] February 5 2007 4:22 AM EST

I might be wrong, but it appears that your second minion (Karn) is useless.

Memnarch has low hitpoints, and so will die during ranged ranges from seekers. Once your dealer is dead, so are you.

If you take seekers out of the equation, then it's a nice strat.

Kong Ming February 5 2007 4:44 AM EST

If I were you, I'll start investing in a large pair of DB and also train evasion. That way, you just might be able to survive ranged rounds more often.

Kong Ming February 5 2007 4:45 AM EST

That comment is for the mage, of course ;)

winner winner February 5 2007 7:14 AM EST

I think the evasion is pretty useful as I miss it every single range round

Karn February 5 2007 9:04 AM EST

Thanks for the comments. I think I will probably save up for some DBs and put the on the mage. The reason for the second minion is to hurt tanks that don't use seekers.
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