Going into negative $ (in General)

NoFear February 9 2007 8:19 PM EST

I was making an auction with my character NoFear and forgot my other character had all my money. The auction cost 6K and i only had 2K on my character yet it let me make the auction and go -4K, should this be fixed? Is it made like that on purpose because you gain money off auctions?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 9 2007 8:40 PM EST

Success! Your auction has started.

DOH...tried to reproduce...and it works...Campy is now $7400 in the negs

I think it's a bug resulting from all the auction changes...unless someone knows different...nice catch!

TheHatchetman February 9 2007 10:30 PM EST

I thought this was a well known bug?
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