Moosh / HatchetMan (in Public Record)

GO PATS February 13 2007 2:18 AM EST

Instaing my DB's +51 Named for Hatchets EB's +22 Named and 1.2m...

I'll send when confirmed.

TheHatchetman February 13 2007 2:19 AM EST

alrighty then :)

GO PATS February 13 2007 2:36 AM EST

Yeah... this will all be resolved in four days... I received my payment... I'm just a shmoe... Miandrital is loaning my DB's back to me, as they are collateral for my loan, but when returned they will go to Hatchetman... in the meantime I am renting him a set.

TheHatchetman February 13 2007 2:38 AM EST

Well, here's the deal. Those DB used to be mine, they technically belong to me again. But they are currently listed as Miandrital's posession, as Moosh's collateral for a loan from NightStrike... Wow... It just occured to me after typing that how confusing the whole thing was... Anyway, if all goes well, the Miandrital will be loaning me the DBs, as they are now mine, and the transfer fee for the loan will still be added to Moosh's balance, as it is his collateral. Should Moosh default on his loan (I doubt it!), then i will lose the DB, as it IS his collateral for the loan. In which case, this would require him to transfer me back the EBs involved in this deal, and the 1.2m. I hope the terms are understandable as they seem to make sense and confuse, all in a single effort... >_<

GO PATS February 13 2007 2:40 AM EST

None of that will be required, I'll just send some different collateral... I've sent a message to Miandrital so we should be all set.

TheHatchetman February 13 2007 2:42 AM EST

or that...

Must... Sleep...BA...2-person fightlist... new minion?...
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