mistaken transfer of EG's -- help! (in Public Record)

RaptorX February 13 2007 9:44 PM EST

Can an Admin or Jon help me?
I mistakenly transfered a pair of Elven Gloves to 'zev ' to his character 'Redemption' instead of the user 'Redemption' and it appears zev doesn't log in much.

I know I am stupid and too click happy -- but crud, it is worth a lot :) Please help!!

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 13 2007 9:57 PM EST

the standard (and rather consistent) response in these cases is no, I'd start by emailing the user, and hope for the best...

TheHatchetman February 13 2007 10:29 PM EST

a good example of one being shafted by a mistaken transfer...
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