Looking for work (in Services)

kx5 [The Lotus Cross] February 16 2007 6:44 PM EST

I'll forge for about 70% of the NW increase, probably a little more or a little less depending on the item. 99% of the time, I'm online at 8 AM/PM server time, try then for a quick response.

Kong Ming February 16 2007 7:12 PM EST

kx5 has agreed to forge the plus on my sling (Yes, its a sling!)
A Sling [1x20] (+27) 398,324

Looking to increase it to +100 at 70% rate. I'll send him 100k as upfront payment.

Kong Ming February 24 2007 3:37 AM EST

Paid for the job until this:
A Sling [1x20] (+49) $1,096,403

Kong Ming March 3 2007 8:42 AM EST

Paid again for the job until this:
A Sling [1x20] (+60) $1,687,085
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