Auction Interface Bug (in General)

Manifold [The Culture] February 28 2007 10:56 AM EST


If I navigate to auctions then click an item, the side bar expands to cover the whole window. I have to click and drag it back small. The main window doesn't change to the item I have click to, either.

Manifold [The Culture] February 28 2007 10:57 AM EST

Ach, sorry. Forgot to say that I'm using Firefox 2

[MP]MoneyPig [SNB Forging Services] February 28 2007 11:40 AM EST

Are you using any ad-blocking program? I've heard of people that had the same problem. They were able to fix it by disabling their ad-block.

Manifold [The Culture] February 28 2007 12:31 PM EST

I believe I've fixed it, I had to add to AdBlock's 'allowed' list.

Thanks for the head up.
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