Forge my TSA deal :) (in Services)

Kong Ming March 1 2007 8:25 AM EST

I'm looking for a forger who will accept either tattoos or rare armor as payment:
I need someone to forge this:
A Trollskin Armor [22] (+37) 1,724,721

Have the following that I can use as payment:
1) An Adamantite Cuirass [40] (+65)
2) A Tattoo of Endurance lvl 186,029 3,642,590
3) A Tattoo of Augmentation lvl 161,189 3,082,408
4) A Pair of Tulkas' Gauntlets [6]
5) An Amulet of Invisibility [0] (+10)

I want this TSA to go as high as possible. cm me if you are interested in the deal. Please be reminded that you need some cash to take up this job because I'm not that keen to use any cash since I have another forger to pay as well.

deifeln March 1 2007 11:55 AM EST

I will put 500k NW on your TSA for the AoI

I will put 350k NW on your TSA for each tat

Sir Leon [Soup Ream] March 1 2007 4:54 PM EST

imo, you're better off selling the items in auctions and using that income to pay a forger.

I'll forge it at 70%

Kong Ming March 2 2007 6:46 AM EST

I've got a couple of decent offers for the TG and a couple of ridiculous ones ;) Think I'll use the TG first to let one of the ones who offered to start the job.
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