AAH, verifex's GM script gone (in Off-topic)

Brakke Bres [Ow man] March 4 2007 11:38 AM EST

I clicked on the "maximize" button to make it "float" so i can drag the menu everywhere. And now its gone! Help!

bartjan March 4 2007 12:11 PM EST

Go to settings, make a backup of the contents of the right-most box at the bottom and then empty it. Click the 'update' button right above it. Refresh the left frame and you should have restored it to its old settings.

Brakke Bres [Ow man] March 4 2007 12:46 PM EST

nope that didnt work :S

Brakke Bres [Ow man] March 4 2007 12:51 PM EST

even reinstalling didnt work! ack!

(CB1)logan666 [Jago] March 4 2007 1:30 PM EST

Click in the left frame and use your Page Down button. This happened to me once and I found it this was on accident.

Brakke Bres [Ow man] March 4 2007 2:09 PM EST

yup that worked, it was hidden down and right. thanks!
Could this be fixed somehow so it wont happen again?

AdminQBVerifex March 4 2007 5:44 PM EST

When you change resolution, it is possible for this to happen. Because of the way it works is by saving the exact position of the window box each time. I haven't looked into "finding" the browser frame bounds yet, so I can't exactly tell it where the bounds are and where to set itself to and check to make sure that it is within these bounds.

It is a little up in the air right now. Basically though what bartjan says is true. If you go to the settings page and erase all the stuff in the "preferences" section it will reset it back to it's defaults and it should re-appear again. Same holds true for the entire thing. If you did something that caused it to not work and erasing the Preferences section text doesn't do it, try erasing the other sections as well.

Maybe I need a "reset to default" button on there, haha!

AdminQBVerifex March 4 2007 5:48 PM EST

Scratch that, when you "erase" the entire preferences section it simply doesn't appear anymore at all. So, it looks like I'll need to make a "Reset" button after all.
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