Defensive strat… could it work? (in General)

n00bspaz March 4 2007 11:37 PM EST

I'm only writing down the basic concepts right now so I won't get into numbers just yet.

Minion 1

- Hp (must use TsA for huge regen)
- Pl(enough to cover all attacks)
- AoI

Minion 2
- Whatever damage dealer you chose
- Small health
- AoI

Minion 3
- Evasion
- Small health
- Big EH

The idea is for minion 3 to take as little damage as possible and then absorbed to minion 1, who can regen with the TsA that is effective with big health. All the while, minion 2 sits comfortably in the middle. This build can avoid nasty DM that makes AS less effective. I don't know if this has been done before but it's just an idea.

Karn March 4 2007 11:41 PM EST

Sounds kind of like my team except I have not hired the hp/pl minion, but that is one of the options I have been thinking of, and I believe that it is a pretty good idea. Also, since the second minion has a small amount of hp you could put a ToE on it. Lastly, you could also give minion 3 a Mage Shield.

Yukk March 4 2007 11:52 PM EST

GA will kill your middle guy.
That minion would need HP + AC/ToE to have a chance of surviving.
Also, Ex/AxBow or seekers would target directly, ignoring AoI, so
again, some HP are needed to survive ranged.

GO PATS March 4 2007 11:55 PM EST

Huge AC on minion 3 will help your PL E stay alive longer, and an MgS is a big help too... EB's over DB's probably, to counter the skill penalties of the higher AC gear that you could fit around the other more important gear...

[T]Vestax March 5 2007 2:59 AM EST

Yukk already covered my first thought, which is that PL doesn't cover indirect damage like AMF, GA, and probably RoBF damage.

Drakon(DS) March 5 2007 2:40 PM EST

yup RoBF damage good
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