Strat suggestion... (in General)

Dark Dreky March 5 2007 2:25 PM EST

Hey all,

Here's my deal. I'm tired of having a mini-tank. I have to rent ELB's for him and buy ammo all the time (while its not alot of money, I just don't want to do it). So, I'm contemplating on how to retrain him... here's how my team looks behind the scenes.

Minion1: MM around 780k... as my main damage dealer this is extremely low (hence the RoE on him)

Minion2: AMF/GA ... both nearing 400k

Minion3 : AS around 870k

This is a mage/RoS build, something I will try to refine for my NCB (yea yea, RoS and Mages bad idea... ToE, ToE... blah!) Keep in mind, I have little to no NW to put on this minion.

Here's my minion on the chopping block...

HP: 10,000/10,000 ST: 321,505 DX: 315,426
Archery: 84,795 (1.00) Protection: 64,183 (20)

and here are my current ideas...

1.) Prot (20), DM, and a decent sized FB (200k?) to cut down weak minions.

2.) Prot(20), all DM

3.) Evasion wall? Not sure if he has enough XP to be effective tho.

4.) Prot(20), all MM

5.) More AS, or AMF? Beats me.

Thanks in advance. =)
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