Forge for an ELB (in Services)

TheHatchetman March 13 2007 6:58 AM EDT

Faygo Showerer [6x750] (+65) 11,049,704 9 months 20 days

This lovely ELB is up for the person who offers the highest nw forged. forging will be done on MH and/or Axbow. Forging fees will be payed by you. (I'm in debt, so I'd rather not spend money ^_^)

TheHatchetman March 13 2007 8:07 AM EDT

G Beee takes the cake (and the ELB) by adding 12.2m nw and 50 days of naming to my MH (trade up :P)

TheHatchetman March 13 2007 8:08 AM EDT

btw, good luck dodging FS/WTB fees now :P
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