20k to the first one... (in Contests)

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] March 16 2007 2:15 AM EDT

to figure all these out and to tell me what they are:

1. Chewing the doors
2. At the lead of spite
3. Hiss and lear
4. Go and shake a tower
5. Tease my ears
6. A lack of pies
7. It's roaring with pain
8. Wave the sails
9. Rental Deceptionist
10. Bad salad
11. Plaster man
12. Pleating and humming
13. Trail snacks

AdminLamuness March 16 2007 2:43 AM EDT

Spoonerisms - words or phrases in which letters or syllables get swapped. Happens accidentally in slips of the tongue.
  1. Doing the chores
  2. At the speed of light
  3. listen here
  4. Go and take a shower
  5. Ease my tears
  6. A pack of lies
  7. It's pouring with rain
  8. Save the whales
  9. Dental Receptionist
  10. Sad ballad
  11. Master plan
  12. Heating and plumbing
  13. Snail tracks

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] March 16 2007 3:16 AM EDT

{cb1}smallpau1 (SmallsNCB) Lamuness (Mizuno) $20000 3:15 AM EDT

lol, good job, =P

I know the website you got it from i bet, Spoonerism?
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