Idea for Explosive Shots... (in General)

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] March 21 2007 9:45 PM EDT

Ok, i know this is probably gonna get flamed, but....

I just thought of this when i was fighting and missing using them, so i thought i would share it. I think exp shots should have a hidden CTH of +10 (or something similar), since they are kind of like fireball. Once they impact anything, they're not just gonna hit the ground and be a dud everytime, they're going to "explode" as their name implies. So anything around where it hits should get hit for some percentage of the damage of where ever it hits. But in order to balance this out i would assume their would need to be a damage reduction (?). Other similar ideas? Instead of saying its a stupid idea, state what could be done to keep it a good idea.

QBPit Spawn [Abyssal Specters] March 21 2007 10:36 PM EDT

the ground is too soft from all of the blood from all of the battles, so the ground is too soft for them to explode on misses ;)
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