New LOTR Game (in Off-topic)

AdminQBVerifex March 23 2007 10:42 PM EDT

So, I've been beta testing this game for the past 3 weeks or so.

Here it is: Lord Of The Rings: Shadow of Angmar

And I thought I would give you all my impressions of it. There were two things that really stood out in my mind:

  • The minstrel class can play fancy tunes, although anyone can buy and play all the different instruments (however badly). - I met a guy on there who was using the in-game instruments to play the "Super Mario Theme", and was able to sequence other midi songs into the in-game musical instrument. The idea of playing the Doom 1 stage 1 midi in-game just really cracks me up. Here it is for reference: Doom1e1
  • You get to play monsters (orcs, spiders, wolves, etc.). - Which in turn means you get to fight against players (high level players mind you). It's pretty fun, the other day the Devs were playing as "Freep" (free player, in otherwords, not a minion of evil) against the creeps (players playing monsters). I must say it was pretty exciting.

Beyond those two things, this new LOTR game is equal to or less than most, if not all of the other MMORPGs I've seen out there. It seems very similiar to Guild Wars actually. Although I've never played WoW or EQ, or any of the millions of other MMORPGs.

[RX3]Cotillion March 23 2007 10:46 PM EDT

I tried clicking an ad that I saw on Gamespot advertising the Beta test registration, filled out the forms and crap and was waiting and expecting to participate when I finally saw somewhere else that the beta had been released months ago or something, so I kinda gave up hope in trying it out. It does look cool from the screenshots though.

DH March 23 2007 10:59 PM EDT

being a huge MMO fan, i've tried most all MMO's of all of them, WoW and prolly EVE-Online are the best. my wife is playing Vanguard and wont get off of i assume its really good. because shes very picky...i tried LOTR and found it to be extremely boring. course it was closed beta...but i was not impressed at all

Unappreciated Misnomer March 24 2007 2:19 AM EDT

that link messed up my ff

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] March 24 2007 3:06 AM EDT

i assume it will be, but will it be pay2play? If so, how much per month?

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] March 24 2007 7:34 AM EDT

Avoid Turbine like the Plague.

They were responsible for DDO... *shudder*
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