What should i do with my next team? (in General)

TBH never enough gabber March 29 2007 1:14 AM EDT

My NCB is gonna be finished soon and i'm not happy with it's boring ToA Elbow set up.

I was thinking along the lines of a single minion or three minion team this time and i want something a little different

maybe a CoC Evasion Mage with all elven gear and a ToE or RoS

a 3 minion team one exbow tank with GS, one axbow tank with haste, and an AS EC enchanter

or a BL tank with meat shields front and back with stupidly high HP, Elven hauberks and 2-300 ac

[T]Vestax March 29 2007 1:29 AM EDT

Do you want to effectively clan fight or is your goal to get as far ahead as possible?

Either way, the second concept sounds uninteresting to me.

TBH never enough gabber March 29 2007 1:32 AM EDT

my goal is as ever to have fun, i'll only ever clan fight when i'm really bored

[T]Vestax March 29 2007 1:39 AM EDT

Good to know. That being the case, you might have the most fun picking away at guys much bigger then you, possibly at the cost of being beaten easily by guys weaker then you. If this sounds like you then I might suggest a team that employs evasion or a huge EC as it is the second best way to deal with single minion archers. And trust me, there are a lot of them at the moment with which you can pick on.

Tyriel [123456789] March 29 2007 1:42 AM EDT

I'd go extreme anti-mage or anti-tank.

Coming from somebody who's having fun beating on tanks everywhere. :P

TBH never enough gabber March 29 2007 4:27 PM EDT

thx guys
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