Smack me up the head and call me stoopid... (in General)

Last Gasp March 31 2007 2:11 AM EDT

Geeze... been playing long enough you'd think I'd have figured this out long time ago:

Took off my $14 mil nw RoS and bang - I'm getting much higher challenge bonuses.

Yes, it dropped my list of 'beatable' opponents down by 100k to 200k score but still, boosted my rewards (from 40% bonuses up to 80 - 90%).

Hmmm... if I went naked would it get even better?

TheHatchetman March 31 2007 2:13 AM EDT

get an RoE

Dark Dreky March 31 2007 2:20 AM EDT

Or maybe improve the RoS.

GO PATS March 31 2007 2:36 AM EDT

/me smacks Dreky upside the head and calls him a moron.

Wait, who was I supposed to slap?
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