Side Note: (in Off-topic)

GO PATS March 31 2007 7:19 PM EDT

(With the exception of this message, FS/WTB & PR threads, and appx 25% of my strategy posts, every single thing I ever say here on CB is wracked with sarcasm... It's hard to get through in written text, so I'm practicing constantly. Also, it's meant to be humorous, as a mood lifter, not as insulting, even though it's probably harder to differentiate between the two than it is to realize that my ramblings are sarcasm in the first place... Also, I run-on quite a bit and use too many commas, but I think they make written words look prettier, and they separate thoughts for me.)

TBH never enough gabber March 31 2007 7:21 PM EDT

I'm in the same boat CMM, which is hard for me to admit, since you are a stinking american


GO PATS March 31 2007 7:23 PM EDT

See, that didn't sound sarcastic (mainly because I couldn't hear it) but instead sounded very hurtful... seriously, if you want to insult me, go somewhere else and do it, because I am the master of CB, and I know people that will kick you off if you mess with me.
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