Battle Cry (in General)

IndependenZ April 9 2007 2:05 PM EDT

IndependenZ, Miami Vice vs Zhakrin, Soccer:

Sonny crushed AZ Alkmaar [185408]
Sonny draws strength from his weapon! [22900]
Sonny cries "Don't you touch our Ferrari!"
Sleek white Ferrari swung wildly at AZ Alkmaar
Sleek white Ferrari cries "Vroom vroom!?!"
Sleek white Ferrari regenerated 18,528 HP

AZ Alkmaar swung wildly at Sonny
R.I.P. AZ Alkmaar

Why does Sleek white Ferrari cry out here? He didn't kill anyone, all other minions were already dead. This was the decisive round. I think it's pretty cool to see my PL minion say something once in a while, but it looks a bit weird here. :p

Talion April 9 2007 2:51 PM EDT

Guess based on no facts whatsoever: Could be that any minion swinging at the killed opponent in a certain round gets to screem out its battle cry.

IndependenZ April 9 2007 3:41 PM EDT

lol, imagine that: three minions furiously screaming and attacking an already dead opponent.

Would be quite a sight :p
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