Ideas for Roleplaying Forum (in General)

GO PATS April 20 2007 1:28 PM EDT

We were talking about the Wiki in chat there for a little while and it lead me to this thought train (I'm manic, so it took about .42 seconds in total) wiki > player edits > Character Histories? > Roleplaying > Nah, Wiki would be bad because of player edits > Forums? > Oooh, a new RP Forum? > Would need some rules or would get way out of hand... > Actually, it would need a forum moderator or two... > I want one.

So... let me elaborate a bit, just on some ideas I had to make a cool RP Forum.

1. RP Forum for having fun when you're out of BA... Threads could be story-lines run by the original author/authors and players could jump into other peoples stories (with permission, of course)... I think it would be a fun and productive (as in practicing writing and ad-libbing.) way to spend time...

2. RP Sub Forum for Character Histories, where characters can be introduced or just be biographyicated (sp?) ;) I think these Characters should be based on teams that you actually play, have played, or even plan on playing shortly but want to flesh out some ideas in RP... The first post in each thread (Hopefully these threads would just be named the character/team being introduced in the thread) would be a Character/Team History and people could comment after that... Maybe if the authors posted History posts in BOLD and comments and replies would be normal font, so you could quickly scan through and get the juicy stuff all at once, then read replies and junk... (Side note... with four characters on some teams, these posts could get fairly huge and book like...) ((Side note 2... My history will only be dealing with one character and I'm already thinking it's gonna be a long one... ))

3. I think that RP Forums should be something you have to sign up and be accepted into by the mods...

4. Not all story-lines would have to be strictly medieval/fantasy but if someone's story is based in a certain setting, other contributors to the story should respect that and stay within bounds.

5. I don't really care if I'm a mod or not, to these forums, (I wouldn't mind the responsibility because I'm ALWAYS here) but I just hope, if there ever was to be an RP Forum here, that the Mods were voted in or at least were known to be interested in the subject of RP'ing... Not a knock on current forum mods, of course, just saying that reading through lots of RP is time consuming, and there would probably be a lot of private messaging going on with these mods, so I think the mods involved with the RP Forum should be dedicated to those forums only and not also have the responsibility of moderating other forums...

Any thoughts or seconds on my idea?

One more thing... wasn't sure whether to put this thread in General or Off-Topic... since it was off-topic but kind of dealing with CB (In RP fashion, and also in extra coding for Jon!)

Talion April 20 2007 3:30 PM EDT

I've played a game where they had role-playing forums before and some story lines were pretty good. The main problem was that when everyone and anyone started posting in popular threads, things got pretty chaotic and the threads usually died.

So... It would be good to have forum moderators to approve role-playing threads before they got created. Then, each thread creator, or owner, would have to approve who can post in the thread (sort of like clan moderation). This, in my opinion, would allow great and, more importantly, lasting role-playing forum threads.

In the same line of thought, role-playing chat rooms could also be created. These would have to be fewer and they would have to be spin-offs from established role-paying forum threads.

GO PATS April 20 2007 11:12 PM EDT

No go, huh? I didn't mean for this to be a huge project... more of a place to write down some character/team backgrounds to add a little flavor to the countless battles that we fight... I think RP might even effect the way that we fight, forming friendships in RP and then farming the life out of these "friends" might make for some fun RP's... or it would even help people for alliances and effect clans...

There's no-one out there who has cool background stories for their teams and has the extra time to flesh it out in writing?
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