Multi: Erskine / BillBrasky2000 (in Public Record)

AdminG Beee April 25 2007 12:00 PM EDT

Erskine, although a new char, has been here before so should know better.

Banned Erskine and reset BillBrasky2000.

BillBrasky2000 April 25 2007 1:48 PM EDT

We werent multis I guess I got him in trouble cuz I sent him my money cuz I thought this was lame. Can you delete my account and re-open his?

[T]Vestax April 25 2007 1:52 PM EDT

"Hello, can you open my account with the NUB instead."

That's what it sounds like. For that reason I don't think that will happen.

[T]Vestax April 25 2007 1:53 PM EDT

Then again, it seems you have a NUB already. Still, I'm sure it won't happen.

BillBrasky2000 April 25 2007 1:57 PM EDT

This is Erskine talking-

I dont understand [SNK3R Edit: Non-PG] is the problem here...I used to play at my old job with another guy and we had the same IP address and it was never a problem when we helped each other out. I was not kidding that I really used to play on here a lot and gave out 10 million in CB $. I come back and now its like some cult that they refuse to let new players get into...I tried to turn a friend onto it and he didnt like it so i had him give me his cash...who cares? I'm not sure what the problem was. It was going so well with people being receptive to me coming back and then poof, these people with no life but to search for IP likenesses tattle on me for doing something that shouldnt be wrong in the first place.

bartjan April 25 2007 2:02 PM EDT

jbryan@ and jamesanthonybryan@ for email addresses?

You really should not have used the 'friends' excuse, but have tried the 'family' excuse instead...

QBJohnnywas April 25 2007 2:03 PM EDT

If you're different people why are you both called J Bryan? At least that's what your email addys say....

I really should wait before I help out new players...

QBJohnnywas April 25 2007 2:03 PM EDT

Bart got there first!

[RX3]Cotillion April 25 2007 2:07 PM EDT

Novice just wasted 100k too :(...I could have used that.

BillBrasky2000 April 25 2007 2:34 PM EDT

john bryan and james bryan...tough one there huh? Im not really sure why you are all against him for 10,000....

BillBrasky2000 April 25 2007 2:35 PM EDT

I have a sister Jamie and a brother Joseph...are they not allowed to play either?

QBOddBird April 25 2007 2:38 PM EDT

Jamie, John, Joseph, and James. Your parents have quite the sense of humor. ^_^

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] April 25 2007 2:38 PM EDT

ROFL, nice try....

The Vanguard April 25 2007 2:43 PM EDT

He must live in Alabama. They tolerate that there.

Fantasysage April 25 2007 3:22 PM EDT

Wow dude your lame. Just admit you did it and move on with your life.

[RX3]Cotillion April 25 2007 3:56 PM EDT

You're lucky you were caught this soon. If it was later, you would have lost more. Think of it as a blessing... No? Okay then. Just have fun with CB2. :)

AdminNightStrike April 25 2007 4:10 PM EDT

"Jamie, John, Joseph, and James. Your parents have quite the sense of humor. ^_^"

My parents did that... I think it's kind of nice.

Actually, my friend is in a situation where her parents, she, and her brother all have the same first letter. It creates a nice bond.

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] April 25 2007 4:22 PM EDT

Me and my bro share the same first letter. My father and his brothers do as well with a twist; they share the same first AND last letter.

RicharD, RolanD, RaymonD and RonalD.

Neat huh? I think it is, myself.

QBOddBird April 25 2007 4:33 PM EDT

Hah, that is pretty clever!

Minor Threat April 25 2007 4:45 PM EDT

Hey Ashilizator, your surname doesn't happen to be Gracie does it?

bartjan April 25 2007 4:49 PM EDT

George Edward Foreman

DiabloSpawn April 25 2007 6:48 PM EDT

Sorry Bill, its not that you're not welcome, its just that your activities along with your friend's arouse suspicions. CB is meant to be a fair game and thus even giving things to family and friends is not in the spirit of the game as it undermines the economical aspect of the game. Also, since there is no way to prove that different people are using the same IP, this rule must be enforced. Welcome to CB2 and enjoy it, but enjoy it responsibly ;)

AdminG Beee April 30 2007 11:06 AM EDT

Bill started a new multi account called Adrian.

I've now banned both Adrian and BillBraskey2000 because he's a repeat offender.

TheHatchetman April 30 2007 11:21 AM EDT


bartjan April 30 2007 12:58 PM EDT

Narrator: In A.D. 2101, war was beginning.

Captain: What happen ?
Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb.
Operator: We get signal.
Captain: What !
Operator: Main screen turn on.
Captain: It's you !!
CATS: How are you gentlemen !!
CATS: All your base are belong to us.
CATS: You are on the way to destruction.
Captain: What you say !!
CATS: You have no chance to survive make your time.
CATS: Ha Ha Ha Ha ....
Operator: Captain !! *
Captain: Take off every 'Zig' !!
Captain: You know what you doing.
Captain: Move 'Zig'.
Captain: For great justice.

In other words, AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs, another multi, has been banned as well.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] April 30 2007 12:59 PM EDT

Aww, i was like ZomG! I had a mentee named AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs! I assume that was him too? =/

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] April 30 2007 1:01 PM EDT

I guess the 'Us' was referring to Bill and Erskine, =P~
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