Change idea: redo waiting for BA page (in General)

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] April 27 2007 2:52 AM EDT

I know, it is just a minor inconvenience. But when I run out of BA and look at that page, all I see is a long list with short descriptions. There are rankings on them... any way we could have the highest ranked ones on top and on down? Or have two columns- one being new additions, the other the top ranked games?

That's just my wacky idea of the night.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] April 27 2007 2:54 AM EDT

it already is based on highest rank, in descending order.

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] April 27 2007 2:56 AM EDT

LOL wow it is late, I didn't even notice, I just looked left to right and saw very different numbers and assumed unordered.

On to my new idea, how about a way to delete threads in which we make idiots of ourselves?

IndependenZ April 27 2007 6:28 AM EDT

Well, the page could be cleaned up a bit. There are so much different links and games to visit.. why not make two columns, one with the top 10 rated games, and one with the 10 latest additions? These should be followed by a link to the page which contains the entire list, of course. That would be a far better interface for us to look at :D
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