Current Score levels (in General)

miteke [Superheros] May 4 2007 1:55 PM EDT

Have you all noticed that all the big players have dropped in score to just about 1.9 - 2 million? Even the guys with over 3M PR! Is this because the big guys no longer fight each other because they are in the same clan?

QBOddBird May 4 2007 2:00 PM EDT

I'm looking at the top players and the score ranges from 3.8M to I'm unsure what you are talking about. O_o

QBJohnnywas May 4 2007 2:03 PM EDT

Scores below that high end have not really climbed massively though. One of my old chars which I retired back in September last year is at about 1.8 mill. He's currently number 17 in the standings. I think he was about number 24 the day I retired him.

TheHatchetman May 4 2007 2:28 PM EDT

I was once at ~2.3m score, and was barely in the top 20, now, if i ever make 2.1, im in top 10 contention, scores have dropped, but it seems to fluctuate a lot anyway. Not sure if this helps. :P

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 4 2007 2:56 PM EDT

there have been a few threads about this, happens as things change, and often occurs when people double tap unbeatable folks...

QBJohnnywas May 4 2007 3:09 PM EDT

That's something I've always accepted, mostly because it is the pattern I've seen; guy at top gets hit by much smaller individual; scores climb for a short time then tumble. But can somebody explain to me how that actually happens? I've never questioned it, or worked it out myself (brain dead you see, it's old age..).


miteke [Superheros] May 4 2007 3:28 PM EDT

The top 5 (the only ones over 2M Score) are OK, but once I get below that mark I see:

Tezmac: Score / PR / MPR: 1,991,467 / 2,572,839 / 2,036,927
The Alchemist: Score / PR / MPR: 1,974,404 / 2,473,605 / 1,715,841
The Lega: Score / PR / MPR: 1,972,783 / 3,133,084 / 2,186,947
Hubbel: Score / PR / MPR: 1,958,226 / 2,920,344 / 2,537,582
Conundrum: Score / PR / MPR: 1,950,797 / 2,620,809 / 1,939,037
Dixie Cousins: Score / PR / MPR: 1,943,066 / 3,143,497 / 2,153,688
Failure: Score / PR / MPR: 1,942,459 / 2,822,389 / 2,128,284

and so on.

Lots of folks with scores about 25% below their PR. These guys used to have higher scores so I was just wondering if their descent had to do with. It affects all of us as our rewards are directly or indirectly based on their scores.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] May 4 2007 3:53 PM EDT

Nov is stretching Sut's tat.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] May 4 2007 3:59 PM EDT

for me personally since the ba change, which i like, i have only been fighting sure thngs. by this i mean that i only have opponents in my list that i can win against every time. my score used to be higher before i optimized my fight list and took out some draws or occasional losses. perhaps others are making each ba count more as well.

Mikel [Bring it] May 4 2007 11:46 PM EDT

My movement up there has also made it change, I was able to beat quite a few people with one minion, and lose to some SFBM's with a high evasion. Now that I have added a second minion, I beat everyone (draw with NWO, Stalemate with Conundrum) using normal arrows.

Nerevas May 5 2007 3:26 AM EDT

The score gets filtered down to smaller people. And they don't regain the score as fast because they can't beat the people above them.
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