Forge my exbow please (in Services)

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] May 9 2007 12:55 AM EDT

An Enforcer's Crossbow [4x101] (+32)

Need 3.5 mil NW added, the + needs to go up to 50 and then the rest of that dumped into the x. Looking to pay a rate of 70%, CM if you can help out please.

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] May 12 2007 1:34 PM EDT

Defender will be working on my exbow for the above specifications at a rate of 70%.

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] May 13 2007 11:46 PM EDT

Heres the starting NW for payment purposes, since I forgot to include in my initial post.

An Enforcer's Crossbow ($1796751)

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] May 19 2007 2:12 PM EDT

An Enforcer's Crossbow ($1796751) forged up to 4,838,875 at a rate of 70%

4,838,875 - 1,796,751 = 3,042,124
3,042,124 * .7 = 2,129,487

horseguy001 (The Space Knights) defender (Lorenzo) $2129487 -- thanks 2:12 PM EDT
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