Problems with WinXP since last round of 'updates'. (in Off-topic)

Timberwolf May 10 2007 11:48 PM EDT

I just wanted to run this by a few of the WinXP users here and see if you are seeing this too.

I went to bed last night with updates ready to install for my computer. When I got up this morning, WinXP had apparently taken it upon itself to install them and reboot the computer. Unfortunately, when it rebooted I got to a 'DOS' screen that said there was no OS to be found. I popped the WinXP CD in to try and repair the OS install and the PC booted fine.

Now it's running sluggish and when I look at the processes in Task Manager I see that explorer.exe, lsass.exe and one of the many svchost.exe are keeping the CPU at 100% usage (approximately 33% each). Google searches just return Sasser worm information, which I have ruled out because nothing I can find on this computer points to a Sasser infection.

Is anyone else seeing this since the last round of updates, or do I need to start looking into something internal to this comp? I ask because I have a notebook computer running the Media Center edition of XP sitting right next to this desktop that received the same 3 updates and is running fine.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 11 2007 1:43 AM EDT

It's likely a failed auto update, turn auto updates off, run a manual update, reboot and turn them back on. There are more detailed instructions about how to deal with this issue, but I doubt you're interested in reregistering all the WU dll's and doing reg hacking.
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