Thanks all, and I gotta say.... (in General)

Denatir May 13 2007 6:27 AM EDT

Well, I just went over my one month mark and I gotta tell ya. I wasn't that excited about this game at 1st.. I mean.. you can only play for 160 turns at a time??? I figured I'd give it a shot and see what it was like.
I've played a couple of games online, mostly mmorpgs, and I've been a Guardian in one game... like Ops here... and this community beats every game I've ever played.. hands down.

Sappy, ya I know, but I'm older and I can say what I want at my age. SO, I just wanna take the time to thank everyone that has been so helpful and friendly. Not ONCE did I get the feeling that people were giving me bad advice so that they could farm me like in other games. That's a really nice change of pace.

So... Thanks all of you... someday you might get sick of me, but because of you.. I'm sticking around :P

Lumpy Koala May 13 2007 7:43 AM EDT

Welcome on board :P I have been around since I started working hehehe like 2002 (yes, my boss has not noticed my work bandwidth lost till now...) let's just say this game has an invisible glue :D
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