Debris visual art (in Off-topic)

Slashundhack [We Forge Our Own Stuff] May 17 2007 3:04 PM EDT

It's a collage wallpaper that downloads pics from the web . Am I opening myself up to viruses etc. . I hope not because I like it .

Slashundhack [We Forge Our Own Stuff] May 17 2007 7:23 PM EDT

What is this that stupid a question ??

TheHatchetman May 17 2007 7:31 PM EDT

I would answer, but I have no idea, sorry. But, another part of the problem may have been your phrasing/punctuation...

"It's a collage wallpaper that downloads pics from the web . Am I opening myself up to viruses etc. . I hope not because I like it . "

should've looked more like:

"It's a collage wallpaper that downloads pics from the web. Am I opening myself up for viruses, adware, spyware, etc.? I hope not, because I like it."

Notice, punctuation needs no spaces (didnt matter here, but figured id point it out in the process), more examples are listed before the "etc.", as you can't use "etc." for only one example. And the key is in the question mark.

Slashundhack [We Forge Our Own Stuff] May 17 2007 11:55 PM EDT

OK from now on I will use "and junk" instead of etc. Oh and if I get a sick computer I'm logging on to CB before running my PC-cillin .
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