May 27 2007 8:30 AM EDT
I just want to get some feedback before joining that virtual world and spend some money on it.
Can someone tell me the benefits and the downside of that virtual world?
I haven't played it myself but if t interests you I think there is still a competition going on in there to win ticketsto the Download festival ;)
May 27 2007 9:12 AM EDT
what download festival? What's that?
Although I'm guessing you aren't a UK resident so it is unlikely that you'd be able to get there :P
May 27 2007 9:18 AM EDT
Download Festival = big rock festival in the UK most of the bands are crap this year accept the one day :) but im a metal head
It's been going downhill since last year, 2005 was great but they had Tool headlining the Friday last year *yawn*.
This year isn't bad imo, just too much emo, and the fact that they have Dragonforce again, the worst 'metal' band I have ever heard.
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