Another Rant Against the Chairman! (in General)

AdminQBVerifex May 29 2007 9:07 PM EDT

I understand the need for Mister Chairman, but I sense something is wrong when an item (Elven Gloves) that goes for 945k at one point in a day, cannot be that same price (Elven Gloves)in the same day without the chairman going in to prop up the market. It's as if the market is only allowed sudden shifts UP in price, but is never allowed sudden shifts down, much less the SAME price for an item, what gives?

I think the chairman is being a little paranoid if 10-50k sends him into a panic and makes him start buying things up.

Anyways, my life is almost complete now, I've officially made a Chairman rant. ;)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 29 2007 9:09 PM EDT

glad to welcome you to our shores...

Mythology May 29 2007 10:05 PM EDT

Until I read this thread id never clicked on the minion / player and assumed it was just a guy with a very keen eye for bargains...

lostling May 29 2007 11:40 PM EDT


AdminJonathan May 30 2007 1:02 AM EDT

Poor misunderstood Chairman. :)

He's really not a price prop except indirectly. He's there to buy stuff up to delete, thus raising prices. He's gentle about buying stuff up because I thought that would cause less bad feelings.

What happened was, Mr Chairman _wanted_ to bid on the first, but since I don't have time to babysit him constantly he's paranoid about getting ripped off, i.e., people getting him to bid more than items are really worth. So the first auction raised what MrC thought was the market average enough to place a bid on the 2nd.

Last Gasp May 30 2007 1:12 AM EDT

I don't get all the rants... I think Mr C is a stand up type of guy! :-) He makes me laugh as he swoops in to pick up his bargains.

AdminNightStrike May 30 2007 1:36 AM EDT


So was Blubben's bid very close to the cusp of Mr C's ideal price point?

AdminJonathan May 30 2007 11:19 AM EDT

MrC doesn't have an ideal price point, he just wants to take stuff out of circulation

Brakke Bres [Ow man] May 30 2007 11:58 AM EDT

we know that, but when, why, how does Mr C. decide to bid on something?

pinecliff May 30 2007 12:11 PM EDT

~sigh~ I miss rare items spawning in stores in CB1. Maybe they should let one rare item spawn in there once a week...:) Mr Chairman would have to be PRETTY fast to beat people to the punch on that one...:)

[RX3]Cotillion May 30 2007 12:21 PM EDT

That's the exact opposite of what Jon is trying to do. He's trying to remove some of the rares that spawn in auctions to increase demand and increase prices, I think.
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