question about hal (in General)

lostling May 31 2007 1:35 PM EDT

ok... how would hal work with a tank? lets say you train junction on the tank... and you get 150% STR 150% DX... wouldnt that mean instantly your hal's archery would be crap? how can you even fight with 20% CTH lol ... on a side note... can someone explain archery in detail to me?

Fanta [Fanta's Forge] May 31 2007 2:09 PM EDT

You don't get 150% STR and DX off the tank's stats, you get it off the items the tank is wearing.

Fanta [Fanta's Forge] May 31 2007 2:12 PM EDT

And anyway, I wouldn't junction on a tank.

lostling May 31 2007 2:12 PM EDT

At 1.0 you get 100% of the positive effect for most things, and 150% for ST and DX. At 1.0 you get 0% of the negative effect.

you mean this doesnt? hmmm im not sure lol....

Talion May 31 2007 2:18 PM EDT

I inquired and had an argument about Archery and CTH before. And here is what I remember from it...

The 20% CTH is just one of many modifiers that are part of the formula used to determine if your arrows will hit your target or not. Please do not ask for the actual formula, only Jon knows what it is exactly.

If you do not use archery or have an effect of (0) for your Archery skill, the CTH modifier when you fire an arrow is 20%. If your Archery skill effect is (1), then your CTH is 90% with normal bows and 100% with the Elven Long Bow.

For a minion, having a 100% CTH means more chances of hitting the target AND more chances of scoring multiple hits per round.

For you Halidon Familiar, I think a 100% CTH is always applied. However, since your Halidon Familiar does not have any PTH on its bow, the chances of scoring multiple hits per round is almost nil. On top of that, it won't be able to hit anything using a decent Evasion level when your character will reach a decent PR.

I hope this helps.

Fanta [Fanta's Forge] June 1 2007 1:25 AM EDT

Junction is only for item effects, lostling. I was trying to say that the junctioning minion's str and dex don't transfer - only the item bonuses that the tank gets.

lostling June 1 2007 1:35 AM EDT

but does the effects transfer in a 150% manner?
such as using +27 EBs... does that mean you get 27% on your minion and 27x1.5 = 40.5% on your familiar? however considering the PTH is still broken.. i doubt anyone should use Hal above 500k MPR

P.S. jon if you read this... shouldnt hal get some PTH from his arrows too? { or even seekers?(j/k) } lol

Fanta [Fanta's Forge] June 1 2007 9:37 AM EDT

Yes, the effects transfer like that.
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