Fames Loans (in Services)

Flames Fame June 4 2007 11:23 PM EDT

I am loaning money to you at a very reasonable interest rate. max loan at this time is 300K

interest is calculated as

minimum loan time is 14 days.

Loan amount *.0125 *# of days loaned

Flames Fame June 5 2007 12:03 PM EDT


My formula was incorrect.

2% per week or
4% per month.

2 week Minimum loan.

If I should default on this loan I will be reported to admins.
** Default consists of 1 warning via PM/CM if it happens a second time the loan will be considered Default.

If I cancel after the loan has been accepted I will be required to pay 2 weeks worth of interest or 5000 CB whichever is the lesser.

I hereby confirm that i have read and will abide by all required guidelines. (Insert Name)
Deposits to this loan business are accepted if you deliver an amount you will be paid 97% of the profit made on your monies

Deposits will be kept track of via Excel and will be posted here at the end of the month with all revenue. It will then be divided as follows.

3.00% of total to Me + profits made by my monies
The remaining amount will be sent to their respective donors.

I will accept deposits from up to 3 donors. If you are interested please post here or CM me with your requirements.
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