remaking (in General)

richard rahl June 8 2007 8:00 PM EDT

im taking a sm FB mage and turning it into a sm archer can you give me some advise. how much exp should i put into HP STR DEX specifically also is my eq is listed below i have a 37 mil nw ELB +14 BG's AoM AoC DB's +100 (im going to test both DB's and EB's) ToA 1.1mil the only think i cant figure out is a melee weapon thanks for any help offered- RRnospellcheck>

deifeln June 8 2007 8:14 PM EDT

Leave HP where it is.

Untrain evasion and add archery (25% of Strength...since you're ToAing it should be higher then trained ST). Consider that EB's will raise your Archery and DB's won't.

I would train 250k ST and 250k Dex to start. I would then titrate in other exp as needed.
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