My Idea that many will not agree with (in General)

Zaekyr June 12 2007 9:51 PM EDT

I have read several posts about interesting changes/improvements to CB.And most of them sound good but I have felt that one thing that is lacking is the fantasy setting element.My idea may have been suggested before.In that case I'm sorry I mention it now.

In just about all fantasy realms whether it be books or games.All the characters can target or be targeted by "enemy" characters.Having it so this targets only the front or that targets only the rear seems a bit out of place so it seems to me that each minion could be assigned a target preference.i.e. We'll label 4 minions on a team from top to bottom as A,B,C, and D.then lets say A targets 1,2,3,4.B targets 2,3,4,1.C targets 3,4,1,2, and D targets 4,1,2, if they are attacking the enemy whose minions from top to bottom are E,F,G,and H.Then A will attack E until E is dead or A is dead.If E A kills E then he targets F and so on.But lets say F is wearing an AoI.Then A cannot see F after killing E and will simply move on to G.Something like this may require a little balancing and perhaps some more strategy could come into play, like for instance : increase DD/archer attack but give any minion using DD/archer a penalty when engaged by melee.It would make more sense also if AoI works against DD too since you cannot hit what you cannot see and after all if you couldn't see a fourth minion how would you know for sure there are only three? I think something like that would make this game far more interesting since attack orders per minion and all the various strats such as having three minions attacking 1,2,3,4 could be a great strat against some and could be fatal against others.

Perhaps this would be too much for CB 2 but maybe an idea for CB 3 ? Please post your thoughts of this idea even if it has been mentioned by someone before.

SaintMichael June 12 2007 9:56 PM EDT

That would annihilate the purpose of a wall, so no, but good intention and I appreciate your thoughtfulness though. =)

Zaekyr June 12 2007 10:21 PM EDT

Well,that was the idea in the first place and why I figured it would not be popular.My thought was that in any fantasy themed novel or game all characters have the capability of attack and the is very very rarely a wall depicted.I have always thought it strange that any minion would say sure I'll take the hits till I die then hopefully you will kill the one that killed me.

I have thought of an elaboration on the theme.Why would an archer or a mage willfully engage in close combat when their strength is in range? Opposing teams could start at range 6 and then the attacking minions could advance one then defence could advance one then any minions with HoC on attacker side could do ranged attack.then minions with HoC on defense attack.While teams without HoC would advance until in range and fire.Of course melee (or close range) would have to advance until they met their target.This would allow variables on spell and weapon ranges and allow for more ranged rounds potentially.

I guess it sounds like too much and it would probably be difficult to do but it would make for a good CB 3 to me.

=) just abusing my imagination.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] June 13 2007 6:09 AM EDT

Of course that happens in most other RPG's, especially the 3D ones.
I have seen thousands of people 'tanking' which is essentially being a wall while mages annihilate the enemy so why destroy that whole element here?
There just doesn't seem to be any logic in the 'reasoning'.
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