CB Lottery #20 (Tickets: 10k each) (in Contests)

Flamey June 15 2007 9:46 AM EDT

Please read this carefully so you don't get anything wrong.

NOTE: please read what tickets have been bought after the last update, so you don't buy a ticket that has been bought, it's to avoid confusion for me.

Ok another lottery, pot has started with $312 (but i will use some of total pot to cover x-fer fees (remember this is non-profit)), Mikel is drawing all 3 numbers. The ticket prices are as follows.


Note: 5 tickets are max

the prizing will go like this:

1st prize gets 60% of total pot

2nd prize gets 30% of total pot

3rd prize gets 10% of total pot

e.g. pot is 500k

1st prize will get 300k

2nd prize will get 150k

3rd prize will get 50k

we will be using www.random.org

there will be 50 tickets up for sale.

Please Send all money to Flamey Lottery and NOT Flamey. Once again Please Send all money to Flamey Lottery.

Mikel is going to pick the numbers right before I announce who wins.

Please keep all info on this thread and no CM (Chat Mails) please.

Clearly post the ticket number(s) AND the transfer log with the correct money. I shall CM you if you have chosen a number somebody else has and tell you to pick another.

If in any case the pot is smaller than 300k there will always be 3 winners. if the pot is more than 300k and a ticket is drawn and no one owns it the money will stay in the pot making in larger for next time.

I will stop the buying of tickets in about 1 week after the post, and I will CM Mikel for the numbers. When Mikel can, he will post the numbers and I will give out money A.S.A.P.

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] June 15 2007 10:46 AM EDT

Ashilizator (Ashilizator NCB) Flamey (Flamey Lottery) $50000 10:45 AM EDT

This time I'll take 1-2-3-4-5 please :)

SaintMichael June 15 2007 11:46 AM EDT

SaintMichael (The Istari Order) Flamey (Flamey Lottery) $50000

16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Andy June 15 2007 12:16 PM EDT

Andy (dsgdfh) Flamey (Flamey Lottery) $20000 12:15 PM EDT

23-25 please

stoner14 June 15 2007 12:26 PM EDT

#14 please

Flamey June 15 2007 8:23 PM EDT

Any, What numbers did you want? You said 23-25, which is 23, 24, 25, that's 3 numbers, you payed for 2.

Tickets Buyers
#1 Ashilizator
#2 Ashilizator
#3 Ashilizator
#4 Ashilizator
#5 Ashilizator
#14 stoner14
#16 SaintMichael
#17 SaintMichael
#18 SaintMichael
#19 SaintMichael
#20 SaintMichael

QBOddBird June 15 2007 8:27 PM EDT

QBOddBird (Team Unstoppable) Flamey (Flamey Lottery) $10000 -- #49 8:26 PM EDT

Tyriel [123456789] June 15 2007 9:22 PM EDT

Tyriel (Anti-Tank) Flamey (Flamey Lottery) $50000 -- #6, 12, 24, 29, 37 9:21 PM EDT

6, 12, 24, 29, 37 please. :)

CoolWater June 15 2007 9:26 PM EDT

CoolWater (My Arsenal) Flamey (Flamey) $50000 -- Lottery 9:25 PM EDT

I'll take 39, 40, 41,42 and 22. Thanks.

Flamey June 16 2007 8:49 AM EDT


Tickets Buyers
#1 Ashilizator
#2 Ashilizator
#3 Ashilizator
#4 Ashilizator
#5 Ashilizator
#6 Tyriel
#12 Tyriel
#14 stoner14
#16 SaintMichael
#17 SaintMichael
#18 SaintMichael
#19 SaintMichael
#20 SaintMichael
#22 CoolWater
#23 Andy
#24 Tyriel
#25 Andy
#29 Tyriel
#37 Tyriel
#39 CoolWater
#40 CoolWater
#41 CoolWater
#42 CoolWater
#49 QBOddBird

[Where Shirt]Freekie [Lower My Fees] June 16 2007 8:53 AM EDT

Pigeon Bladder
(Spirit Of The Night) Flamey (Flamey Lottery) $50000 8:52 AM EDT

7-11 Please :)

Flamey June 16 2007 9:00 AM EDT

POT: $240,312

Tickets Buyers
#1 Ashilizator
#2 Ashilizator
#3 Ashilizator
#4 Ashilizator
#5 Ashilizator
#6 Tyriel
#7 Pigeon Bladder
#8 Pigeon Bladder
#9 Pigeon Bladder
#10 Pigeon Bladder
#11 Pigeon Bladder
#12 Tyriel
#14 stoner14
#16 SaintMichael
#17 SaintMichael
#18 SaintMichael
#19 SaintMichael
#20 SaintMichael
#22 CoolWater
#23 Andy
#24 Tyriel
#25 Andy
#29 Tyriel
#37 Tyriel
#39 CoolWater
#40 CoolWater
#41 CoolWater
#42 CoolWater
#49 QBOddBird

fatty the loner June 16 2007 1:11 PM EDT

evilfattyman (evilfatness) Flamey (Flamey Lottery) $50000 1:09 PM EDT
13, 21,26,27, and 28

Drama [Just for fun] June 16 2007 1:51 PM EDT

[B-A]Kenyan Mangrove [t] (Belle-Ange) Flamey [t] (Flamey Lottery) $50000 1:50 PM EDT

30 to 35 please

GO PATS June 16 2007 4:47 PM EDT

Moosh LooLoo (The Ogre Moosh) Flamey (Flamey Lottery) $50000 4:46 PM EDT

43, 44, 45, 46, 47

Flamey June 16 2007 8:41 PM EDT

[B-A]Kenyan Mangrove, 30-35 is 6 numbers, I've put you done from 30-34, is this what you wanted?

POT: $390,312

Tickets Buyers
#1 Ashilizator
#2 Ashilizator
#3 Ashilizator
#4 Ashilizator
#5 Ashilizator
#6 Tyriel
#7 Pigeon Bladder
#8 Pigeon Bladder
#9 Pigeon Bladder
#10 Pigeon Bladder
#11 Pigeon Bladder
#12 Tyriel
#13 evilfattyman
#14 stoner14
#16 SaintMichael
#17 SaintMichael
#18 SaintMichael
#19 SaintMichael
#20 SaintMichael
#21 evilfattyman
#22 CoolWater
#23 Andy
#24 Tyriel
#25 Andy
#26 evilfattyman
#27 evilfattyman
#28 evilfattyman
#29 Tyriel
#30 [B-A]Kenyan Mangrove
#31 [B-A]Kenyan Mangrove
#32 [B-A]Kenyan Mangrove
#33 [B-A]Kenyan Mangrove
#34 [B-A]Kenyan Mangrove
#37 Tyriel
#39 CoolWater
#40 CoolWater
#41 CoolWater
#42 CoolWater
#43 Moosh LooLoo
#44 Moosh LooLoo
#45 Moosh LooLoo
#46 Moosh LooLoo
#47 Moosh LooLoo
#49 QBOddBird

Insane [What A Fee] June 16 2007 10:05 PM EDT

Insane (A New Beginning) Flamey (Flamey Lottery) $50000 -- for lottery 10:04 PM EDT


RedDragoon June 16 2007 11:39 PM EDT

48 RedDragoon (Lloyd) Flamey (Flamey Lottery) $10000 -- ticket return back if someone got it -_-

Flamey June 17 2007 8:09 AM EDT

[B-A]Kenyan Mangrove, sorry, seeing as all the remaining tickets have been bought, you're stuck with those.

On a Note to everyone, please post the actually numbers to avoid confusion, 5-10 is actually 6 numbers, not 5.

POT: $500,312

Tickets Buyers
#1 Ashilizator
#2 Ashilizator
#3 Ashilizator
#4 Ashilizator
#5 Ashilizator
#6 Tyriel
#7 Pigeon Bladder
#8 Pigeon Bladder
#9 Pigeon Bladder
#10 Pigeon Bladder
#11 Pigeon Bladder
#12 Tyriel
#13 evilfattyman
#14 stoner14
#15 Insane
#16 SaintMichael
#17 SaintMichael
#18 SaintMichael
#19 SaintMichael
#20 SaintMichael
#21 evilfattyman
#22 CoolWater
#23 Andy
#24 Tyriel
#25 Andy
#26 evilfattyman
#27 evilfattyman
#28 evilfattyman
#29 Tyriel
#30 [B-A]Kenyan Mangrove
#31 [B-A]Kenyan Mangrove
#32 [B-A]Kenyan Mangrove
#33 [B-A]Kenyan Mangrove
#34 [B-A]Kenyan Mangrove
#35 Insane
#36 Insane
#37 Tyriel
#38 Insane
#39 CoolWater
#40 CoolWater
#41 CoolWater
#42 CoolWater
#43 Moosh LooLoo
#44 Moosh LooLoo
#45 Moosh LooLoo
#46 Moosh LooLoo
#47 Moosh LooLoo
#48 RedDragoon
#49 QBOddBird
#50 Insane

Flamey June 17 2007 8:23 AM EDT

I've CMed Mikel to post the numbers.

Mikel [Bring it] June 17 2007 10:05 AM EDT


QBOddBird June 17 2007 10:30 AM EDT

Woooo! Big win for SM!

SaintMichael June 17 2007 6:19 PM EDT

muey muchila


Flamey June 18 2007 3:24 AM EDT


SM got it big time, Coolwater stays with no gain or loss as he bought 5 tickets. CB Lottery #21 coming soon !

Flamey (Flamey Lottery) CoolWater (My Arsenal) $50000 3:23 AM EDT
Flamey (Flamey Lottery) SaintMichael (Alucard) $447500 3:20 AM EDT

CoolWater June 18 2007 8:51 AM EDT

well, money back is good.
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