Saturday Night Beavers recruiting (in General)

[Nkki]WildEagle [SNB Forging Services] June 23 2007 6:09 PM EDT

Hey ppl!

Since two of our very valuable clan members had to quit because of RL reasons Saturday Night Beavers are now recruiting one more member. We got a PR space allowance of approx. 1M and i would prefer a non-bonus char, but i might take a bonus char as well. You don't HAVE to be a big char, but you CAN be up to 1M PR big.

I'm not expecting much, about 2k regular score per day would be good tho, and you should be able to stay in the positive cps.

Normally SNB are in the top 5 clans, sometimes (hopefully with a new clan member quite often) under the top 3, and at special times even in the 1st spot.

So if you are interested in joining SNB please write me a chatmail stating your PR and how many clan points you can make on a normal day.

[Nkki]WildEagle [SNB Forging Services] June 24 2007 7:19 AM EDT

Accepted Sacredpeanut, thread closed.
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