idea (in General)

Ancient Anubis June 25 2007 6:19 AM EDT

Okay here's an idea for keeping and attracting newbies. Now a lot of games are succeeding because they have small games as well, some unrelated and others related such as quests.

Now my thinking is that similar to another game called Superdudes. I haven't played it in awhile but in that game they have a a link to a page with about 8 games like racing and pinball games.

Now i noticed in Cb their is no link to other games unless u run out of ba. So how about adding a link that takes u to a page with 10 or so games on it. Now this is the hard and maybe problematic part is if u can get a hold of the games or make your own we can create ladders and have prizes for say top score of the week. Eg if u get the highest score in pinball for that week u get the choice of a supporter item past and present or maybe the ability to accumualte 20 more ba eg to 180.

Now i know very little about programing and i know it could be problems with it but i think it might be worth checking out.

it also adds and helps with ideas other people are after like being able to get past Supporter items, attracting and keeping newies. increase activity on the site which would hopefully flow into the chat rooms and such.

Oh yeah and the ba thing could be like the weekly prize and the supporter item the monthly prize depending on how much volume u want to add in regards to supporter items.

Anyway i would love to here your thoughts about being able to do it, possible prizes and just general opinions.
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