Phantom Link & Guardian the same time. (in General)

{CB1} DeFiAnT [Jago] June 25 2007 7:39 AM EDT

I'm using both Guardian Angel and Phantom Link in my current strategy. At first this seemed like a best of both worlds situation (and I can't tell you why I thought that back then either) . However until the minion with PL dies, the GA is pretty much useless. I'm thinking of making some changes to my strategy in the next couple of days. I'd like to get a few people's feed back on this strategy and maybe some thoughts on which they prefer better (from a strategy standpoint).

As always, thanks for the comments and/or flames!

Kong Ming June 25 2007 8:25 AM EDT

In order to use both PL and GA effectively, you have to train less PL so that it absorbs some damage but still allows sufficient to pass through. This allows the GA to kick in. I would suggest untrain PL and train AMF instead. This frees up the last minion to concentrate on training AS.

{CB1} DeFiAnT [Jago] June 25 2007 9:54 AM EDT

That makes sense, thanks for the suggestion.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] June 25 2007 10:08 AM EDT

Tezmac is the only person I've seen use it effectively, it's the more carefully balanced setup I've seen.
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