Static bonuses to UC act oddly (in General)

AdminNightStrike June 25 2007 6:26 PM EDT

Unarmed Combat: 3,615,319/1,393,600 (162)

That's what I have now, up from:

Unarmed Combat: 3,615,317/1,393,524 (162)

When I take off my BOM, I get this:

Unarmed Combat: 3,864,586/1,393,600 (168)
Unarmed Combat: 3,864,584/1,393,524 (168)

Notice the oddity? I boosted the base stat by 76, and the modified stat went up by 2. That can't be good at all for future growth.......

And yes, it's funny to point out that almost 3.9m in that stat gets you to 168. For all interested, the equivalent evasion is almost nothing, as it's two-thirds of the base stat after elven boosting, so 2/3 of about 2.5m, or about 1.67m. That comes out to about 140. (DT, you aren't allowed to look at this!!) This is all assuming that Oddbird's understanding of evasion/UC is correct (and, of course, that my understand of oddbird's understand is likewise correct).

Sacredpeanut June 25 2007 7:39 PM EDT

UC fixed bonuses like the + to UC that the HG gives work like this.
Your actual UC level is ignored - the HG bonus is added directly to your effect and the level is some fixed amount that corresponds to the new UC effect.

Unequip everything except your HG's and train a little UC. Assuming this hasn't increased your UC effect ny one, the UC modded level should remain unchanged. Rest assured though you will see a big spike in the modded UC level when your UC effect increases by one.

UC percentage bonuses like from Elven gear are then added to your modded UC and since they are calculated from your unmodded UC level you get a small increase in modded UC level when training UC.

It looks like you get a raw deal when training but actually in the long run you don't get effected. It's just one of those quirks in the way it is calculated

Sacredpeanut June 26 2007 3:53 AM EDT

Actually I'm probably wrong - % bonuses are presumably calculated first and static bonuses added after?

In which case I wouldn't expect training UC to effect your modded UC at all until your UC effect after % bonuses but pre static bonuses increases by one which would cause a big jump in modded UC.

It appears since your modded UC is increasing slightly that a small percentage is slipping through somewhere and being calculated after the static bonus.

In any event I wouldn't worry to much as long as your HG's are giving the correct bonus to your UC effect you're not being disadvantaged at all.

AdminNightStrike June 27 2007 5:26 PM EDT

Well, the disadvantage is that I find it hard to figure out what to train.
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