Hi and Help (in New players)

Elrond June 26 2007 9:45 AM EDT

Hi I'm a newbie player, and when I try to fight with my character I get an server error message:

"The requested URL cannot be accessed due to a system error on this server."

However, it seems that my BA goes down, and my minions gain a bit of XP, as if the fight happened.

I use Firefox, but it happens in IE as well. I've tried deleting temp files/cookies and closing the browser and starting again but nothing seems to work.

Any help would be appreciated.

bartjan June 26 2007 10:03 AM EDT

How odd. This happens with both your characters, and not just against a specific opponent?

Elrond June 26 2007 10:05 AM EDT


Is there something wrong with the actual server?

bartjan June 26 2007 10:13 AM EDT

Not sure. It's a "server error", so logically it has something to do with the server. But, fighting works for me and judging by the lack of other panic posts in the forum I do believe it also works fine for others ;)

Before we spend a lot of time debugging this problem, let me remind you that you are only allowed to have 1 account. Please continue using your 'Lord Tyranus' and only that account. If that account also gives problems, we could try to help fix it.

Lord Tyranus June 26 2007 10:17 AM EDT

Err... yeah sorry about that.

the Lord Tyranus account seems to work fine. Elrond can be deleted.

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] June 29 2007 1:08 PM EDT

Welcome to CB. please stick around. lol. glad you're problem was fixed.
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