Looking 4 Serious ELB Forger (in Services)

8DEOTWP July 18 2007 7:46 AM EDT

A Behemoth's Imbrued Longbow [6x1400] (+85) 21,049,718
I'd like it taken to 100+ or more as quickly as possible. I will pay 75% if you can add 2.6mill or more on a week-long loan, 71% otherwise.

8DEOTWP July 18 2007 7:56 AM EDT

+100, even.
Also I will try to pay on a linear scale from 2.6mill down to 2.2mill.
75% for 2.6, 71% for 2.2, you can fill in what's in between.

8DEOTWP July 19 2007 12:34 PM EDT

La la la, one week loan of an ELB, as much as you can, if you get 2.6mil forged then I'll pay you 75%, which is big moneyz. Soo send me a cm :)
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