RBA (Nymandus) and novice Corn insta (in Public Record)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 18 2007 3:41 PM EDT

=> Recovering_BA_Addict 6107385 - 1863550 = 4243835 x.7 = 2,970,684...hmm maybe I can afford the +!0
=> Recovering_BA_Addict err 10
<Recovering_BA_Addict> you mean x.75, right?
=> Recovering_BA_Addict on an insta that size...
=> Recovering_BA_Addict I guess
<Recovering_BA_Addict> only kidding
=> Recovering_BA_Addict so $25 sound about right?
=> Recovering_BA_Addict based on $8 per mil or so
<Recovering_BA_Addict> yeah sounds fine

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 18 2007 3:46 PM EDT

novice[T] (Violent Femmes) Recovering BA Addict (Nymandus) A Cornuthaum ($1863550) 3:44 PM EDT
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