Recovering_BA_Addict/Nerevas Deal (in Public Record)

Nerevas July 25 2007 1:01 PM EDT

I am insta-upping to Rec's ~1.95mil RoS from my ~1.21mil ToE at 50%

His tat NW: $43,367,833
Mine: $26,810,040
Difference: $16,557,793
50% to be paid: $8,278,896

Nerevas July 25 2007 1:03 PM EDT

Doh, sorry did off topic. Any admin feel free to move to PR.

Nerevas July 25 2007 1:03 PM EDT

Nerevas (Storage Vault) Recovering BA Addict (Nymandus) $8278896 1:02 PM EDT

Nerevas July 25 2007 7:20 PM EDT

Tats have been exchanged. Deal is done and done.
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